26397 Model-based comparison of PVT heat pump panels and combination of heat pump and PV panels
Richtingen: Master of Science in Electromechanical Engineering


One of the main users of energy in Belgium are buildings. Traditional heating systems for buildings are based on fossil fuels and thus also expel significant amounts of CO2. One of the widely supported alternatives for the traditional boilers is the heat pump. In combination with PV panels, a large part of the electricity use of the heat pump can be made renewable. A proposed combination of both techniques are the so called PVT heat pump panels. The outdoor unit of the heat pump is combined with the PV panels. This eliminates the need for a separate outdoor unit with fan while increasing the heat transfer surface. Furthermore, the PV panels operate at a lower temperature which increases the efficiency.


The goal of this thesis is to develop a model to analyze the performance of a combination of a heat pump and PV panels and of a heat pump panel system. Both systems should be compared by evaluating the electricity production, (indirect) CO2 emissions and energy costs. The sensitivity of several parameters such as the building energy use, sizing of the components and electricity cost is analyzed.

This project aids in achieving sustainable development goal (SDG) 7: affordable and clean energy, by enabling the replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources for the building sector.