29254 Development of state-of-the-art thermocouple calibration setup
Begeleider(s): dr. ir. Ilya T'Jollyn en ir. Jasper Nonneman

Richtingen: Master of Science in de industriƫle wetenschappen: elektromechanica


The Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer research team of Ghent University is specialized in thermal measurements. Accurately measuring temperatures is a key component of this expertise. Thermocouples are frequently used, as they can be small and have very fast reaction times. One of the drawbacks is the inherent additional uncertainty of the measurement due to small differences occurring during manufacturing of these thermocouples. To counteract this uncertainty, a dedicated thermocouple calibration setup is available. The setup consists of an controlled temperature chamber and an accurate reference PT100 temperature sensor, which allows to calibrate the thermocouples in the desired temperature range.

Figure 1: Schematic overview of the thermocouple (TC) calibration setup


At this time, the calibration setup is functional, but requires a major overhaul for further use. The goals of this thesis are:

This project aids in achieving sustainable development goal (SDG) 9: build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation, by enabling innovation in all industries involving thermal energy.

Goal 9 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs