29365 Allam Fetvedt cycle impact and design of the main heat exchangers
Begeleider(s): ir. Robin Tassenoy

Richtingen: Master of Science in Electromechanical Engineering


During the academic year 2019 – 2020 a first thesis (Carbon capture, by means of oxy-combustion, in a gas turbine power plant, an assessment of the Allam cycle), by Toon Ghyselink, was performed.

A major conclusion of the thesis stresses on the importance of the heat exchangers on the cycle efficiency (the heat exchanger layout hasn’t been studied firmly in the first thesis; the importance of the heat exchangers, within the Allam-Fetvedt power cycle, was an outcome). The heat exchangers will operate under severe circumstances (high temperature and pressure values (& difference), “polluted” CO2 with a minimum of O2 and vaporized water).


Engie – Laborelec offers the students the possibility to create a scale model of the designed heat exchanger(s) (by means of 3D printing). This model could open the pathway for some practical tests in a consecutive thesis work.