26475 Design of data insight layer for on-line remote health information in a command centre
Begeleider(s): Michiel Larmuseau

Richtingen: Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering, International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering


We are evolving towards a value-driven, integrated and connected care. This requires user-friendly, unnoticeable, age-transcending, implementable sensors to enable monitoring of health parameters in all circumstances of a person's life (young / old, sick / healthy /) (Smart textiles, Ambient Intelligence, Wearables, Insideables, etc. .)

Once the data flow is available in a fast, qualitative, safe, accessible, redundant and affordable way (smartphones, cloud servers, nodes, 5G, etc. ) this data must be analysed on –line in a new command centre: this  concentrates operational healthcare decision-makers, equips them with real-time decision support tools, & standardises responses, processes & protocols. And analytic tiles to scan, detect and alert using real-time intelligence and advanced analytics


The assignment consists of mapping out the process of “continuum of care” for one care process that has yet to be defined in colsultation with the student(s) (E.g cardiac disease, diabetic care,early warning sytems…), to design the  data insight layer with the appropriate algorithms (AI, ML, DL, ...). Further experimental data platforms from different hospitals will be available for hypothesis testing for early detection  in the selected care pathway.