32379 1D arterial network models for the automated interpretation of cardiovascular signals from the cradle to the grave
Richtingen: Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering


Pulse waves, resulting from the heart ejecting blood into the systemic arterial tree, inherently carry diagnostic information on the cardiovascular (CV) system and are the basis of CV assessment. They can be probed centrally (aorta) or on peripheral accessible measuring sites (upper arm, wrist, groin, finger, toe, retina, ear lobe, ...). Signals are measurable with (non-invasive) reference methods (pressure catheters, applanation tonometry, volume/photoplethysmography, ultrasound, MRI, …) but are also increasingly accessible to wearable technologies. Algorithms could exploit the dynamics of the CV system for a direct diagnostic and automated interpretation of a continuous stream of signal waveforms acquired under varying physiological conditions, from infants to adults. A fundamental hurdle, however, lies in the complex and highly dynamic character of these signals with a.o. archetypical changes across an individual’s life, first as the CV system grows and remodels from foetal life to youth, and further throughout adult life due to progressive changes driven by ageing and/or CV disease. The breadth of possible signals implies that robust algorithms require a biophysical/physiological basis for the correct interpretation of waveforms (just like a medical doctor cannot correctly interpret a CV signal without knowing the subjects age, sex, conditions under which data was acquired) and should be trained on massive number of pulse waves in settings and conditions mirroring their later intended use. Such data, basically, do not exist on a large scale, but can be generated in a virtual population of infants to adults.



The aim of this thesis is to advance our current approach of 1D arterial network models in two aspects:

(i) Initialisation of personalised CV models: Current state-of-the-art models require detailed anatomical and physiological datasets and hundreds of parameter estimates, yet currently rely on only a few anatomical datasets of ‘representative’ adult males. The aim of this thesis is to develop data-assimilation algorithms and morphing/scaling methods for the (auto-)generation of arterial network topologies (up to a predefined branch generation or minimal vessel size) matching body size for males and females across all age ranges.

(iii) Mechano-biological basis for arterial stiffness during growth and ageing: Arterial stiffness is a key physiological variable and parameter in 1D models, varying along the arterial network and with ageing and disease. It would be a huge step foward if knowledge on the mechano-biological homeostasis of the arteries’ constituents (elastin, collagen, smooth muscle cells, proteoglycans) and their evolution from (pre-)birth to adulthood and throughout adulthood could be included in setting up model parameters.

This is an ambitious thesis that covers multiple facets. depending on the student's interest, the topic will be further narrowed down.